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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Search Hotels

 How can I find a hotel?

 Our reservation process is very simple and allows you to book real time availability. In the search form you need to

enter the arrival and departure dates. A list of hotels will be created. All hotels listed have rooms available for the

selected period. Minimum room price is also displayed for each hotel.

 Where can I find detailed hotel information?

 Each hotel has a detailed web page which has all information about the hotel, its amenities, room description and

location. Each hotel page has an image gallery and a map which allow you to exactly locate the hotel.

 Where can I find the hotel´s telephone number and/or email address?

 After you have completed a booking, the telephone/fax number and email address are provided immediately online

and on your confirmation email. The address of the hotel can always be found at the top of each hotel page. Please

note: Once you have a reservation, you can view, print, cancel or request a change by clicking on Your Hotel



 Rates are per person or per room?

 Rates are always displayed per room.

 Are there any extra booking costs?

 No, TripNetra does not add any additional cost for the booking service.

 Is breakfast included in the price?

 Many hotels offer free breakfast. It would be very rare for a Vacation rental to provide breakfast. If included, it

should be listed on the Lodging Information page.

 Are taxes included in the room rates?

 This depends on the hotel and on the room type selected. To check please see the text below each available room

type. This information is also displayed on your confirmation email and on Your Hotel Bookings after you have


Credit Cards

 Why do I need to give my credit card details?

 The hotel requires a valid credit card to guarantee the reservation in the event of a late cancellation or no show. The

hotel can decide to pre-authorise your credit card to ensure that the card is valid and has sufficient funds.

 Is it safe to use my credit card?

 Yes it is perfectly safe to use your credit card. Traveleurope uses secure socket layers, encryption techniques and

firewalls to safeguard all of your personal information. TripNetra uses an SSL certificate for safe transactions.

 Can I make a reservation with other payment methods?

 Yes it is possible to make payments using Debit Card/Net banking .

 What types of credit card can I use to complete the reservation?

 All types of Indian Banks issued cards are accepted".

 My credit card number is correct, but the hotel is not accepting it. Why?

There are a few possibilities:

 Your card type is not accepted at the hotel.

 The card expiration date precedes the reservation date.

 You have reached your credit limit.

 There is a computer error.


 What is happening when I make a booking?

You'll receive an email with the details of your reservation. There's no need to contact the hotel to confirm.

The hotel details - Contact Number, Email Id, Address and other important details will be mentioned on the

confirmation email.

I have booked a hotel but I did not receive a confirmation by email. What do I have to do?

 Please check the inbox and Spam/Junk folder for the email address provided during the reservation process. To view

your confirmation you can also log in to your account where it is listed under Your Hotel Bookings. If you wish to

receive assistance please contact us at .

 How do I cancel my reservation?

 Cancellation Option is available right next to Booking at “Your Hotel Bookings”. Click cancel to cancel the room. Hotel

cancellation fees may apply.

 Are there any cancellation penalties?

 Normally for all cancellations made after the time limit specified by the hotel or in case of no-show the first night will

be charged by the hotel. Terms of cancellation and penalties may vary according to the property's cancellation policy,

please read it carefully before making your reservation.

 Is the room rate per person or per night?

 All rates displayed are nightly, and based on double occupancy per room unless otherwise specified. Carefully review

the room descriptions and rate rules to ensure the room you select can accommodate your entire party. Any extra

adults or children above the rooms listed occupancy may be subject to additional charges at the property's discretion.

Some rates may require special identification. Our booking fee, taxes, and other surcharges imposed by the hotel are

not included.

 Can I specify where I would like my room located (preferred floor, next to pool, etc.)?

 If special requests are accepted by the lodging, a section will appear on the Reservation Form to insert such requests

and submit them to the hotel. The hotel staff will do their best to accommodate special requests. We cannot

guarantee that your requests will be granted because they are subject to availability.

Have Queries ? Call for any assistance on +91 8500898000
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