Private Accommodation in Tirumala Tirupati Online Booking

Detail about the Private Accommodation in Tirumala Online Booking

Ttd Accommodation in Tirumala can be booked only to the Devasthanam rooms like Nandakam, Padmavathi Nilayam, Rambagicha Rest Houses, Hill View Cottage, Sri Varaha Swamy Rest Houses, Narayanagiri Rest Houses, Garudadri Nagar Cottages, and many more for the accommodation and there are no private accommodations in Tirumala. Online Booking of Devastanam tickets are only available for the TTD rooms as there are no private accommodations.

Devotees who want the accommodation in Tirumala should book online based on the availability. There are no private accommodations in Tirumala; all belong to the Tirumala Tirupati Devastanam. People if they want the private accommodation they should book the hotels at Tirupati. Tirupati offers a large number of accommodations in Tirupati. For more details on Private Accommodation in Tirumala Online Booking, Please Contact- 8500898000, 8500085151.

TTD Board has developed a number of Accommodation buildings and guest houses for the devotees who visit Tirumala. The Accommodation will be the advanced online booking for some and for some there is the current booking option. 20,000 guest houses are available for public use.

How to Book Tirumala Accommodation?

Devotees should login to the TTD website and select the accommodation option and choose the required date and check-in time and complete the required fill in and payment procedure.

The online processing of 2% extra fee is collected, the room rent is free and the sanitation charges are only collected.

Private Accommodation in Tirumala

When the user login to the account then the devotee can be directed to the accommodation page when they select the Accommodation option. The devotees find the options like green as available, red for Quota Full, blue for Quota Not Released, and Grey for Slot not Available. Based on the availability one can select the accommodation.

Rules to be followed for TTD Room Booking

The TTD Rooms are not allowed to book for a single person, at least 2 persons should be for a single room. The booking process can be only for one room either in Tirumala or in Tirupati for once in 3 months of periods.

If the devotees failed to provide the proper ID proof at the time of Check-In, the booking will be canceled. The room will be allocated for only 24 hours and there won’t be an extension.

Accommodation Prices at Tirumala and Tirupati

The prices for the room accommodation will start from Rs 50 but in online rooms will start from Rs 100. The rooms are available in Nandakam Guest House, Sapthagiri, Vishnuvasam, Srinivasam, etc.

How to Book Private Accommodation in Tirumala Online

Devotees should login to the TTD website and select the accommodation option and choose the required date and check-in time and complete the required fill in and payment procedure.

The online processing of 2% extra fee is collected, the room rent is free and the sanitation charges are only collected.