Govardhan Hill Mathura

Complete information of Govardhan Hill in Mathura.

Govardhan Hill, Mathura is the place situated 22 KM far from Vrindavan. This Govardhan is also known as Giri Raj and Royal Hill. This is located in Mathura District, Uttar Pradesh. According to Lord Krishna in Bhagavat Gita told that the Hill is nowhere different from him. From then the worshippers of Lord Krishna worship the Govardhan Parvat as his idol. The hill is 80 Feet Tall and 38 KM circumference and is made up of Sandstone.

The name Govardhana Hill in Mathura is translated into 2 translations. One as Go – Cows and Vardhana – Nourishment and the 2nd as Go – Senses and Vardhana – to increase.  So the name is translated as “That which increases the senses”. So the Govardhan is known as the “Increase the Senses” by the devotees of Lord Krishna. There is the belief that they reside at the foothills of Govardhan Hill will make all the senses and the duties of the soul attain divinity and perform service to Krishna.

Interesting Places to Visit on the Hill

Mansi Ganga, Daan Ghati, Mukharvid, and Radha Kund are some of the interesting places to visit on the Hill.

History of Govardhan Hill

The Govardhan Hill in Mathura has its name in history as the hill was lifted by Lord Sri Krishna when he was a child on the little finger to save the Mathura Village from furious thunderstorm and rains. After Lord Krishna saved the villagers from the thunderstorm and rains he told to worship the hill to the villagers.

Festivals Celebrated

Number of pilgrims visits the place during Guru Pournami, Diwali- Govardhana Puja by walking 23 KM without any chappals.

Govardhan Hill Meaning

Govardhan Hill in Hindi ‘Go’ means ‘holy cow’, and ‘Vardhan’ means ‘Shelter of Cows’. The cows then give birth in a shed that is covered with grass to eat, water to drink and place to rest.

Govardhan in Sanskrit means ‘Senses to Control’.

For more information about the place call us on 8500898000, 9393939150.

Places in Govardhan Hill

The few remarkable sites to visit at Govardhan Hill are Sandstone Monument, Kusum Sarovar Lake, Giriraj Temple, Shri Chaitanya Temple, Danghati Temple, Mansi Ganga Lake, and Radha Kund Temple.

Radha Kund Temple

Radha Kund Govardhan Hill

Radha Kund Mandir is the temple in Radha Kund, the Kund that was filled by Radha. This is the place where Lord Krishna killed the bull demon, Arista and took a dip in this pond to purify himself. This is believed that Lord Krishna and Radha spent lots of happiness at this place. Numbers of pilgrims visit the place every day.

Sandstone Monument and Kusum Sarovar Lake

Kusum Sarovar Lake

The historical monument Kusum Sarovar made of Sandstone. The place is known for the beauty on the Govardhan Hill. This Kusum Sarovar is known as Lake of Flowers.

Mansi Ganga Lake

Central Govardhan’s largest lake is the Govardhan is Mansi Ganga Lake. It is believed as the people who have a DIP in the Mansi Ganga Lake with have the purest form removing all the sins.

Danghati Temple

Danghati Temple

The most famous and must-visit temple on Govardhan Hill is Danghati Temple. The speciality of the temple is the shrine in the temple is a rock that is dressed up that resembles Lord Krishna holding the hill on his little finger.

Giriraj Temple

Giriraj Temple on Govardhan Hill is dedicated to Lord Krishna and is the important Hindu pilgrimages.

Shri Chaitanya Temple

The temple made of red sandstone decorated with Lord Krishna and Radha paintings.  

How to Reach

Mathura Railway Station to Govardhan Hill distance is 28 KM and has to travel for nearly 1 hour to reach place.

Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Airport to the hill distance is 87 KM and requires to trave for nearly 2 and a half hours to reach the place.

Mathura Bus Stop to the hill the distance is 26 KM and has to travel for nearly 1 hour to reach the place.


Govardhan hill, Aanyor, Uttar Pradesh 281502, India.

For more information please contact – 8500898000, 9393939150.